Saturday 20 October 2012

My Hijab

Hijab is an Arabic term that describes the way in which some women wear their scarf. In this picture i am seen putting on my hijab. Wearing a hijab is one of the many things about myself that i am proud of. As a muslim woman it required of me to cover my hair. This was one law of Islam that I struggled to confide to as i consider my hair to be very beautiful and like most women i took much pride in showing off my hair. As i became older and more informed i realized the true benefits of covering my hair. The permanent covering of my hair allowed me to value the beauty in my hair and naturally in myself. Wearing a hijab allows me to understand myself by looking at how others interact with me. When i wear a hijab suddenly people respect me, suddenly they listen to me, suddenly they hear me, suddenly the opposite sex lower their gaze at me. Suddenly i learnt my value as a woman.
 I hold the wearing of my hijab in high esteem and truly believe that it reflects greatly the powerful woman that i am capable of being. It is for this reason i felt the it was necessary to attach a scarf to my piece as it greatly symbolizes who i am. 

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