Monday 15 October 2012


Who I am is greatly influenced by where i come from. Where I come from helps mold who i am but does not entirely define me, Saadiqah Jacobs.

After tracing my heritage I discovered a lot about myself and this also gave great meaning to the way in which iv been raised and why certain things are a norm in my life. I've discovered that the cultures and traditions in my life is strongly influenced by my religion and beliefs which is Islam. Other major factors influencing who i am are my goals especially concerning my career and my personal view on things.

However, even thought i come from a reach Malay, Islamic back ground it does not entirely define who i am. I am a proud muslim woman like my mothers before me but there is a lot more to me then where i come from and my religion. Even though i strive to be the perfect 21 year old muslim women i know that i am not. I am also a fashion design student and strive to be a headstrong, successful, independent career woman. Even though it is a norm for women to be liberated and career orientated in today's society it is seen as something different and modern in my life as am only the 2nd generation of  tertiary educated women in my family.

During this self discovery i will attempt to construct a garment that would best convey who i am. By researching everything that affects me and molds who i am by looking at where i come from and all other aspects of my life.  

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